When author Gloria Doty asked me to join this writers/blogger virtual world tour I hesitated for just a moment. Being part of such a great group is an honor. Jumping on this tour is a cool opportunity. Gloria authored the award winning book cIt shares her thirty year journey with her daughter Kalisha’s autism, Asperger’s and intellectual disabilities. Gloria shares her writing gift in a variety of publications.

Author Gloria Doty

Author Gloria Doty

Visit her blog, Montage Moments at: www.writingbygloria.com

Friend her on Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/gloria.doty.98

Or follow her on twitter: https://twitter.com/detour27


During this tour each Writer/blogger is asked to answer four questions about their writing journey. There are no right answers. (That’s a relief.) So, I chose to share insights from my non-fiction writing as well as my current novel. I promise to be brief.

What am I working on?

My WIP is a historical romance. Secrets and Charades takes place in 1873. And the plot has many secrets and some interesting charades. (Did you catch my cleverness… any who.) Envision a female doctor running from her past by agreeing to be a mail order bride. Add an unsuspecting rancher with his own secrets and life gets complicated. I am working with my editors to whip it into shape. I have a contemporary romance novel in bits and pieces on my computer working title New Duet dealing with emotional abuse and PTSD. I have some flash fiction, devotionals and articles in my writing cue. I love doing book reviews and interviewing other authors for my blog. Just finished being a Beta reader for an up and coming thriller. That’s fun.

How does my work differ from other genres?

That is a subjective question. I write a lot like others do. My characters speak to me and I listen. A scripture or a situation opens my heart to a devotional. Skits are often formulated based on the ability of the actors. I guess I write from the heart more than the head.

Why do I write what I do?

Is it lame to say—because I must? Stories don’t let go until they’re in print. Some ideas don’t make it past the gatekeepers of my mind. Others find their way to paper. Everything I write whether it’s a novel, a short story or an article I want to honor God by giving my best.

How does your writing process work?

An idea sparks in my mind. I let it ruminate. While in the shower I talk through scenes, interview my characters. (Hey, no on hears me in there.) Secrets and Charades was a seat of the pants story. New Duets has a little more planning. Both required research, research, research. I spent a few months reading all sorts of books on women in the 1800s, especially doctors and diaries of homesteaders and settlers for Secrets and Charades. I interviewed re-enactors, visited museums, and the library was my friend. You can find stuff on the internet but not the details a book can give you. Much of what I read never made it into my book. When I write articles I do research too. Often I outline, tape interviews and take lots of notes. Scripts and skits are based on themes and may evolve as they are performed.


Now that you’ve heard my answers check out my two writing friends. I love what they share about their writing life.

John Turney is a mild-manner engineer by day with a wonderful wife and two grown sons. When he slips on his writer’s cape he pens fiction full of action and intrigue. He loves writing flash fiction which has appeared in Splickety magazine. John will be releasing his award winning second book Whiskey Sunrise soon. His debut novel Innocent Blood: Equinox of Reckoning a page turning fantasy is available on Amazon and his website.

Author John Turney

Author John Turney

Follow John on his Arthur page: My Facebook author page is https://www.facebook.com/InnocentBloodEquinoxOfReckoning

Book links:

Innocent Blood Published by Oak Tara

Whiskey Sunrise Published by Lighthouse of the Carolinas


Carol McAdams Moore writes for children and youth in the Christian and general markets. Her debut tween devos – Dare U 2 Open This Book and Just Sayin’ – will be released by Zonderkidz in October 2014. Additional writing credits include work for David C. Cook; Urban Ministries, Inc.; Christian Education Warehouse; Clubhouse; Clubhouse, Jr.; LifeWay magazines; and The Christian Communicator.

Her desire is that every child will answer Jesus’ call and discover God’s purpose for his or her own life. Carol McAdams Moore prays that they will discover . . . Jesus more amazing than we can imagine! ! !

Carol McAdams Moore_Author Photo

Carol McAdams Moore

Get to know Carol better, visit her online.

Blog  http://carolmcadamsmoore.blogspot.com/

Facebook   https://www.facebook.com/Carol.McAdams.Moore
Website    www.carolmcadamsmoore.com

Twitter    @CMcAdamsMoore

Pinterest    http://www.pinterest.com/cmcadamsmoore/

Visit Carol and John’s blog posts next Monday, July 21st to learn their answers. Why not grab a book while you’re there. 🙂