by Cindy Ervin Huff | Aug 12, 2015 | Grammar tips, Writng Tips
Ever get the dreaded editor’s comment on your manuscript “You need stronger verbs.” Editors describe your verbs as passive, weak, dead or flat? Yep! You know you have. As promised, today’s post is about weak verbs. The second hazard mentioned in Joyce Ellis’ booklet 8...
by Cindy Ervin Huff | Aug 10, 2015 | Writng Tips
Grammar rules for me are as boring as listening to a high school literature class read Shakespeare out loud. But a professional reading is enthralling. Well, I’m enthralled by a little booklet by my friend Joyce Ellis, whom I consider the Queen of Grammar rules, as an...
by Cindy Ervin Huff | Aug 3, 2015 | Uncategorized
We have a challenge to create believable stories. Writers must draw from the world around them, transforming life experiences and lots of research into a story that moves the reader. Love stories that stir the romantic in all of us. Mysteries with twists and surprises...
by Cindy Ervin Huff | Jul 27, 2015 | Writer's tips
I wish I could place a do not disturb sign on my forehead. Or a cone of silence around my writing area. Maybe a writer beacon could flash in the sky alerting all who know me that I am in the writing zone. Maybe I need a cape with a big W on it so others would...
by Cindy Ervin Huff | Jul 15, 2015 | Pantster, Writing Reflections
Road trip! Often defined as an Adventure with no actual route and end destination. Sometimes pantsters write their novels like a road trip. We sit down to write with an ending in mind. We know where to start but sometimes take a few wrong plot twists that lead to dead...