Killing Off Your Lovelies

I’ve been finishing rewrites to my manuscript per my editor’s suggestion. Over the years since the first draft, I’ve had to learn to kill my lovelies. Scenes written from the POV of secondary characters. Scenes evolving around secondary characters and lots and lots of...

Do You Have A Writer’s Brain?

It never stops, never stops, never stops…. Can you relate? When I’m not actually sitting at my PC composing pros, my mind is racing from idea to idea. When I’m taking notes in church during the sermon, my mind starts forming a devotional or a what-if scenario. In the...

Writing Exercise: Trust What You See

Writers are artist in every sense of the word. They create worlds on paper that inspire and comfort. They see things below the surface. I found this quote inspiring. “I remember standing on a street corner with the black painter Beauford Delaney down in the...