by Cindy Ervin Huff | May 4, 2015 | Conference Tips
When I attended my first conference, I didn’t have one of these. I had nothing to really pitch. No one told me about them, and I never saw one before that first conference. If you have a book to pitch, a one sheet helps showcase it and draw the attention of editors...
by Cindy Ervin Huff | Apr 27, 2015 | Uncategorized
Every writer at some point in his career needs an accountability partner and a mentor. Both help grow your career and make you a better writer. Some people get the two terms confused. Let me start by defining terms. Accountability partners work together to achieve a...
by Cindy Ervin Huff | Apr 14, 2015 | Uncategorized
The alligator in the photo reminds me that writers should be thick-skinned. Anyone who has succeeded in the writing world has developed thick-skin. Writers have to pull it out of their toolbox and put it on. Wearing it, nothing and no one can get in our way and bring...
by Cindy Ervin Huff | Apr 8, 2015 | Writng Tips
I heard a line of dialogue in Hawaii Five O this past Friday (One of my favs.) that made me sit up and take notice. “I know it like I know the name on my driver’s license.” Why, you ask, was it so significant? It was creative. No cliché here. You know the cliché I’m...
by Cindy Ervin Huff | Apr 1, 2015 | Writing challenge, writing tips, Writng Goals
In the midst of working, helping with grandchildren and meeting the needs of my elderly parents I embarked on an adventure I almost skipped. I joined Speedbo for the month of March. Speedbo ended yesterday. For those of you who missed my blog explaining Speedbo let me...