Bloody Detail Errors

I saw two interesting but inaccurate things on two of my favorite TV dramas this week. I work as a receptionist at a blood center. I’ve been there for over a decade, and although I have no contact with the blood or drawing it, the company works hard to educate all of...

Facebook: Research and Motivation

Writers are often reminded—warned would be a better word—not to spend too much time on Facebook. I’m here to say you can get some great writing ideas from social media. I‘m not talking about the obvious posts from fellow-writers with leads for paying markets or...

Do You Have A Writer’s Brain?

It never stops, never stops, never stops…. Can you relate? When I’m not actually sitting at my PC composing pros, my mind is racing from idea to idea. When I’m taking notes in church during the sermon, my mind starts forming a devotional or a what-if scenario. In the...