A Saturday of Non-Writing Writing

I was so looking forward to Saturday. I’ve been working extra hours at my job and this Saturday was the start of the Labor Day weekend. Three days to carve out extended periods of time to write. Three days to create words on page after page. I had my writing...

Family: The Writer’s Cheerleader

Today would have been my baby sister Carol’s 55th birthday. She died two years ago of liver cancer. Carol was one of my cheerleaders. Writers are always advised to not rely on family to critique our books because their opinion is tainted by their love for us. That’s...

Love Hate Relationship With Spellcheck

Don’t you just hate it? You run the spell check on your article and find ridiculous correction suggestions. I love the little red and blue squiggly lines. Word catches lots of obvious typos like then when you mean than. Misspelled words like mena instead of mean and...

The Right Agreement Between Subject and Verb

Have you ever gotten confused writing subject verb agreement? I know the whole question makes you yawn. Don’t click away from my blog now. Subject verb agreement is easy to ignore in your initial first draft. Struggling to get the thoughts to flow the mechanics of...