Today  I welcome Indie Author Susan Neal, who has done very well marketing her Health books.  Lots of helpful information whether you are Indie or Traditionally published. Thank you Susan for stopping by to share your secrets for success.

Self-Publish and Advertise on Amazon to Fulfill Your God Inspired Dream

Susan Neal Headshot


My God-inspired dream finally came true in 2016 when I self-published my first book. A year and a half later, I had published three books and was generating over $1000/month in revenue. In this blog, I will share my secret to get your book published and improve your book sales.

Why I self-published

For two years I wrote a book about Christian yoga, but it was in one of the smallest writing niches. Therefore, I couldn’t find a publisher to publish my book. However, as a follower of Christ, I believe God inspired me to write and publish Scripture Yoga to assist other Christian yoga teachers to speak Bible verses over their class participants. I wanted to provide a godly environment for Christians who choose to participate in yoga. Therefore, I decided to self-publish, and I am satisfied with the results.

Yoga books

My first book, Scripture Yoga: 21 Bible Lessons for Christian Yoga Classes, became a #1 Amazon best selling yoga book. That same year I self-published my second book, Yoga for Beginners, and two Christian Yoga Card Decks. In 2017, I successfully began using Amazon Marketing Services (AMS), and within six months my revenue increased from $400 to $1000/month.


To advertise on AMS, you need a Kindle Direct Publishing account (to promote your Kindle book) and an Amazon Advantage account (to market your print book). I recommend using sponsored ads where your book shows up at the top of the list when an Amazon customer searches for books similar to yours and at the bottom of a competitive book’s product detail page. It is the only ad that shows up twice. The AMS steps to set up an ad are easy to follow. I recommend checking your ad every couple days to make sure you are making and not losing money. You can easily pause or terminate your ad at any time.

Diet Books

In December 2017, I expanded my genre with my third book, 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates. I plan to create a “Healthy Living Series” of books with topics to help readers improve diabetes, dementia, and autoimmune diseases. My goal is to self-publish at least two books per year.



Susan’s Background

I am an RN with a masters in health science along with being a health nut, so I want to help people improve their health by sharing my expertise. My motto is “Inspiring others to improve their health so they can serve God better.”

I was inspired to write 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates because my sister was having health problems and most of it was due to her addiction to refined carbohydrates and sugar. She asked me for help, so I developed the seven-step plan in this book. She fearlessly embraced the lifestyle change and new way of eating. Now her rosacea, achy joints, and irritable bowel syndrome are gone, along with a lot of weight. She feels and looks great.

Since she experienced great success, I put her story and the seven-step plan in my book so it could help others. I believe God programmed our bodies to heal if we eat the foods He gave us to eat, not the food industry. This is a Christian book with Bible verses to recite when tempted and a “binding the strongman of addiction plan.”

My latest project is a Christian study guide and journal to accompany 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates. I love the Word of God and want to create something similar to a Bible study that can be used in small groups at churches. A journal would help participants to recognize unhealthy eating patterns and express their feelings before God.

Scripture that inspires

Currently, my favorite verse is Ephesians 3:20 “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think (NLT).” I couldn’t believe that I published my first book, much less my third, but God prepared me. Over the previous decade, God inspired me to write mini-Bible studies to recite while I taught Scripture Yoga™ classes, and this content is what I used in my book Scripture Yoga. This spring I am teaching Scripture Yoga™ at the Florida Christian Writers Conference and Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat.

My writing support

I believe the best support system for a writer, other than God, is a Word Weaver Christian Writer’s Critique Group. My fellow members are not only my peers who provide exceptional advice to improve my work, but they have become my dearest friends. We pray for each other and encourage one another during the ups and downs of this unique career. In my Word Weavers group, I have found accountability partners and prayer partners. We also share resources that work for us. Recently, I joined a second Word Weaver group that is online as I needed more critiquing of my work. Go to and see if a group is located near you. If not, you can join an online group.

Advice for new writers

I understand the disappointment of not having a publisher choose your manuscript. If you have a God-inspired dream to publish a book, you can take the reins into your own hands and self-publish; I did and you can too! I also understand the frustration of low book sales, but AMS advertising solved that problem for me. Blessings to you in your writing endeavors.

Free Gift for you from Susan

Gain access to a Scripture Yoga™ class video titled, “The Lord’s Festivals.” The mini-Bible study in this yoga session is about the seven festivals God gave the Israelites. This class reveals how Jesus Christ fulfilled four of the festivals, and the last three are biblical prophecy. To receive this video click here.

Susan’s Healthy Living Blog

Susan posts healthy menus along with the corresponding grocery shopping list and recipes, and many other healthy lifestyle tips at her blog and Facebook page

About the Author

Susan Neal RN, MBA, MHS published three books, Scripture Yoga a #1 Amazon best-selling yoga book, Yoga for Beginners which ranked #3, and 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates. She published two sets of Christian Yoga Card Decks, “How to Receive God’s Peace” and “Fruit of the Spirit” and two Christian Yoga DVDs, God’s Mighty Angels and What the Bible Says About Prayer. She produced a Hospice C.D., Bedside Encouragement: When YouDon’t Know How to Say Goodbye. These products are available on Amazon and


Her two digital products Eat to Live with a Low-Carbohydrate, Low-Glycemic, Anti-Inflammatory Diet, and How to Prevent, Improve, and Reverse Alzheimer’s and Dementia are great resources for attaining optimal health. These two products are sold on and Susan is the president of an online Word Weaver Christian Writers Critique Group and vice-president of the Destin Word Weaver Group. She has been interviewed on Moody Radio, Blog Talk Radio, and Premier Christian Radio from the UK.

Susan founded Scripture Yoga™, a form of Christian yoga, and enjoys leading classes at her church and fitness club. She is a speaker and enjoys teaching Scripture Yoga™ sessions at women’s retreats, Christian conferences, and yoga retreats. If you would like Susan to speak or teach yoga at your conference, you can contact her at


You can follow Susan on:

7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates Back Cover Blurb

Over half of Americans live with a chronic illness, primarily due to the overconsumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates. Seven Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates provides a day-by-day plan to wean your body off of these addictive products and regain your health. These changes in your eating habits will start your lifestyle journey to the abundant life Jesus wants you to experience. Not a life filled with disease and poor health.

You will learn:

  • how to eliminate brain fog, cure diseases, and lose weight

  • foods that damage versus foods that are beneficial—the ones God gave us to eat, not the food industry

  • healthy food alternatives and menu planning

  • the science behind food addiction, Candida, and emotional reasons we overeat

  • to identify food triggers and use God’s Word to fight impulsive eating

  • resources—educational videos and books, meal planning, support organizations, recipes

Jesus said in John 10:10, “The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness” (TLB). Are you living life in its fullness? Is your health or weight impeding you from embracing a healthy, bountiful life? Take these simple seven steps and regain the life you were created for. You will love the new you!


Purchase: Click here to purchase 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates on Amazon.

Susan thank you for these great insights and a wonderful testimony.  I’ve never persued Yoga but you make me want to check your books out. I am going to recommend your book to friends.

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