
Choosing your characters’ looks is always a challenge. As I work on my Work In Progress (WIP) I want to picture my characters. I tried something this time a few writers use to keep themselves focused on their characters. I searched for pictures on the internet to refer to as I write. The process became a bit of a challenge. There wasn’t one photo that fit the image I’d envisioned. I thought I’d post the three pictures I used to help me create a compilation character. It took a bit for Dan Sweeney to reveal himself to me. Even his name changed once we got acquainted. Dan Sweeney didn’t like the name Joe Martin. I guess Joe was a bit of a cliché name for a soldier. Dan is a wounded warrior with a prosthetic leg. He is blond and blue eyed. Looking through hundreds of photo sites, I found this soldier.

Photo one: Interesting. right hair color and eyes.

Find a picture like this for your character.

Find a picture like this for your character.

Looks pretty good.

But Dan has scars and a missing a leg. So I found this photo.

Photo 2: Wounded Warrior wrong hair color though.

Other characteristics from a second photo.

Other characteristics from a second photo.

Which gives me lots of interesting possibilities for my story. Dan has a scar on his jaw and neck so he grew a short beard and longer hair like the character Detective Marty Deeks of NCIS LA.

Photo 3: Eric Christian Olsen has the hair and beard I envision.

Eric Christian Olsen's press photo is the perfect inspiration for my character.

Eric Christian Olsen’s press photo is the perfect inspiration for my character.

Now I imagine a blond haired blue-eyed wounded warrior. He is 6 feet 2 inches and has to-die-for dimples partially hidden by a short trimmed beard. He has two missing fingers on his right hand, the pinkie and ring finger. And of course his prosthetic starts just below the right knee.

Can you envision him too?

I’m sure you have the perfect imagine in your mind based on your own creative imagination. As you read a novel, you’ll have your own image of a character that will carry you through the entire novel. As a writer it is important to keep the image in your head so he doesn’t suddenly grow a few inches or scratch freckles on his nose that weren’t there a few chapters earlier. The characters’ pictures should be posted in a prominent place to refer to as you write both to inspire and speak to you as you create their stories.

On Wednesday I’ll post my heroine’s photos.

How do you find inspiration for your character’s appearance?

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