Attacking Apostrophes: How Not to Overuse Them

Grammar rules for me are as boring as listening to a high school literature class read Shakespeare out loud. But a professional reading is enthralling. Well, I’m enthralled by a little booklet by my friend Joyce Ellis, whom I consider the Queen of Grammar rules, as an...

Conference Tip #1 Writers need Business Cards

My yearly conference is coming up in a few weeks so I thought I’d share what you need to bring to make your conference experience the best it can be. If you’ve never attended one before I hope these tips will erase the deer-in-the-headlights feeling for you....

Avoiding and Retooling Clichés

I heard a line of dialogue in Hawaii Five O this past Friday (One of my favs.) that made me sit up and take notice. “I know it like I know the name on my driver’s license.” Why, you ask, was it so significant? It was creative. No cliché here. You know the cliché I’m...