Be Prepared to Make the Sale

I’m in the throes of beginning book sales. While the internet sales go forward I recall what it was like to sell product when I was in an MLM.  I failed to follow through on some of the marketing ideas offered. But the key ones were always having your product and...

Marketing Accountability

Marketing tip # 5 Be accountable I hate the idea of marketing. I’ve already mention how little I know.  One thing that is keeping me on task is having someone to be accountable to. She checks in with me every week to see how my marketing is going. She is also doing...

You Gotta Ask

Marketing tip #1  Ask I absolutely hate to ask. Because I hate rejection more. If you’ve been building a network with other writers, the asking is easier. When my publisher asked me for a list of possible endorsers, my knees knocked. Then I recalled all those whose...