Multi-published author Sue Ford writing under the name of SM Ford is my special guest today. I’ve made some new friends over at Clean Reads, the publisher I’ve contracted with for my contemporary romance New Duet. It’s been a delight getting to know Sue through this interview. I love reading romantic suspense and Alone looks very interesting. First, I’d like her to share some background.


Sue tell my readers a little about your writing journey.

I started writing in high school, but never took it seriously until after I was married and had children. I had never met a writer, so somehow, they weren’t real people to me. They were elevated special people and I was neither. But as an adult I took a correspondence course on writing and loved it. I wrote several novels that didn’t go anywhere. Started writing magazine pieces and learned a lot. My first sales were to magazines. In fact, I’ve sold over 160 pieces. The bug to write books didn’t leave me and I eventually sold book manuscripts, too. Of course, I have a number of manuscripts that never sold and many, many rejections. I write for children under my maiden name, Susan Uhlig, and for adults as SM Ford.

What is your latest published project?

ALONE (Clean Reads, 2016) – an inspirational romantic suspense.


Ready for adventure in the snowy Colorado mountains, Cecelia Gage is thrilled to be employed as the live-in housekeeper for her favorite bestselling author. The twenty-five-year-old doesn’t count on Mark Andrews being so prickly, nor becoming part of the small-town gossip centering on the celebrity. Neither does she expect to become involved in Andrews family drama and a relationship with Simon Lindley, Mark’s oh so good-looking best friend. And certainly, Cecelia has no idea she’ll be mixed up in a murder investigation because of this job.

Will Cecelia’s faith in God get her through all the trouble that lies ahead?

cover of Alone by SM Ford

How do you research for your book?

Some research is hands-on experience, other is reading books, articles, interviews, and/or talking to people.

What inspired you to write this book?

I got to thinking how hard it must be for celebrities to meet people who treated them like a normal person. I combined that idea with my teen love of romantic suspense books. I liked smart female heroines in dangerous situations, imperfect heroes, and tension and suspense. Later, inspirational fiction books really attracted me too, so I decided to share my faith as well in this book.

When did you realize your calling to create words on paper to share with the world?

When I couldn’t stop writing. 😉 Every time I got discouraged about rejections, lack of “big” success, and thought I should quit writing, the question always came back, but “what else would you do?” I couldn’t think of anything else. I got hooked on the actual process of writing, editing, polishing. Seeing my name in print is great. Knowing my words are being read is even better. And I still have stories to tell. Writing is my passion.

Do you have a favorite verse that resonates with you?

Psalm 46:10a “Be still and know that I am God.” It’s a reminder I need a lot.

If you could go back in time and give one piece of advice for your younger self about writing what would that be?

I think I would encourage myself to consider a different college where I could focus on literature and writing instead of computer science.

Who is your best support system to keep you focused on your writing?

My husband and all the various critique groups and writer friends.

What is your favorite genre to read for fun?

This is such a hard question. I’m an eclectic reader. I read children’s literature from picture books to young adult. I read adult Christian contemporary and historical fiction, secular contemporary and historical novels, plus fantasy, and science fiction. It depends on my mood. It’s very rare for me not to have a book or two going.

Where is your favorite place to write?

In a coffee shop with other writers.

More About SM Ford:

SM Ford writes inspirational fiction for adults, although teens may find the stories of interest, too.

When she was 13 she got hooked on Mary Stewart’s romantic suspense books, although she has been a reader if she can remember. Inspirational authors she enjoys include: Francine Rivers, Bodie Thoene, Dee Henderson, Jan Karon, and many more.

SM Ford is a Pacific Northwest gal, but has also lived in the Midwest (Colorado and Kansas) and on the east coast (New Jersey). She and her husband have two daughters and two sons-in-law and three grandsons. She can’t figure out how she got to be old enough for all that, however.

She loves assisting other writers on their journeys and is a writing teacher, speaker, mentor, and blogger about writing.

Check her out on Social Media

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Twitter: @smfordwriter



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Thanks for visiting here at Jubilee Writer, Sue. Be blessed as you continue to write all God has called you to write.

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