I’m addicted to reading and unashamed. October is National Read-a-Book Month. That makes me sad. Reading only one book. It should be read lots of books. My healthy addiction has expanded my mind and relaxed me at the end of a hectic day.

Books spark the imagination in ways movies and video games never can.


An author’s superpower should be reading. Not just for enjoyment. Grab a book in a genre that’s trending or craft books to expand your knowledge of writng and the publishing world. And the research you find in books will fuel your writing superpower.


From a reader’s perspective we savor words, whether it’s a wonderful quote or a great turn of a phrase. Books transport the reader to places they’ve never been before.


I enjoy the history channel and documentaries, but nothing compares to reading the historical tomes and biographies to glean the knowledge for myself.

I believe the adage: the book is always better than the movie.

Reading touches the creative part of the brain forcing it to imagine what a character looks like or a setting based on the description.  Ever see the movie version of a book and be disappointed in who plays your favorite character?


Imaginations that are feed and nurtured through reading produce great inventions, a desire to explore new frontiers, and best-selling novels.


From my reading addiction point of view everyone should read at least one book a month. And writers should read at least one a week. Stimulating our brains with the written word and opening our mind’s eye to new concepts and perspectives whether we read, non-fiction or fiction, fantasy or biographies we will bring something new to our lives that we would have missed if we’d not journeyed through the pages of a book.


Have you ever read a biography that gave you a new insight into the time period of the historical character, something you didn’t learn in school? Have you ever enjoyed a classic novel, poetry or even Shakespeare, free of tests and analysis into the psyche of the author? How about curling up under a blanket and be whisk away to another time or a new universe? An author’s ability to make me feel a part of the story gives me joy.

Do you see now in my ramblings why I feel my addiction to reading has value and National Read-a-Book month should be changed to Read-a lot-of-Books month.

How about you are you an addict too?

What is your favorite kind of book to read?