Meghan Kelly hsI am so excited to welcome the narrator of my audio version of Secrets and Charades to Jubilee Writer. I had a great time working with Meghan Kelly. She is a wonderful professional. I thought it would be fun and interesting for all of you to get a behind the scenes look at the creation of an audiobook and the life of a narrator.

  • How long have you been recording Audio books? And how did you get started?

I started doing audiobooks almost 5 years ago.  I had been doing Voice over work for several years and was always a voracious reader so when I came across the platform ACX I was thrilled.  And also hooked!  I was lucky enough to get work immediately and I haven’t stopped!

  • How long does it take to record a book?

It’s much more time consuming than most people think.  You can’t just walk into the booth and give a perfect read…unfortunately that just doesn’t happen.  Each finished hour of audio takes approximately 6 hours to produce.  That includes initial read, prep, recording, editing, proofing, pacing and mastering.

  • What’s your favorite genre to record?

I love Love LOVE Historical Romance!  I do a lot of Romance in general but I have a soft spot for Historical fiction.  My Mom loved it and I think that’s where I got it from.

  • How do you find your projects?

I work primarily through ACX and submit auditions to projects I’m interested in.  I also work with a few of the smaller publishing houses.  Although I’m working toward transitioning to the bigger ones.  With over 200+ audiobooks under my belt I think I feel ready!

  • Do you need special equipment?

Yes, I have a custom home studio at home that my wonderful husband built.

  • Walk us through a typical recording day.

I do most of my promotional work, answer emails, read auditions in the mornings.  Then I record usually everyday from 12-5 and edit in the evenings (if I have not been fortunate enough to be able to bring on an editor).

  • How is a narrator compensated for their work?

With ACX I do a mix of Royalty Share books and Per Finished hour projects (paid for work no royalties).  Publishing houses are straight PFH projects. 

  • What is the most difficult part about your job?

Lack of promotion and support on the sales of RS audiobooks.

  • Tell us what lead you to embraced audiobook narration.

I was that girl in HS who was totally into Drama and Choir.  I was lucky enough to sing at every function (shows, concerts, games, graduation) and then I went off to college to study musical theatre and Opera.  The Opera part was a mistake…I wasn’t as suited as I thought.  I did not fare well in competition. I also was not getting the acting roles I had always been able to get back home.

 Crushed, I switched schools and majors and didn’t sing again for 12 years.  After college I still wanted to work in the Entertainment business some how…so I moved to NYC and managed to get a job in Casting/Talent Agenting.  

After 2 years there I moved back to Detroit area and became a Franchised Talent Agent for 6 years.  That’s when I fell in love with Voice Over work.  Burning out from the hard work of a talent agent. And being requested by clients to audition for commercials, industrial work etc.  I gave it a shot and did pretty well.  Also, from the urging of a very dear friend I auditioned for ONE Rock band on a NYE resolution and got it which lead me to singing in bars, restaurants and festivals for 15 years.  

  • I have to know why you auditioned to narrate Secrets & Charades?

Because I LOVE Historical Romance and the Book cover was beautiful!  Once I read the book and realized how talented you are I was absolutely Thrilled!!


Well, I’m blushing. Thank you do much for a peek into your world, Meghan.

My audiobook is available  on Amazon audibles  and iTunes. Those who prefer disks can find those on Amazon as well.  Meghan Kelly does great work and I’m honored she chose my novel to audition for and I’m glad I chose her.  If you love to listen to audios, grab a copy. There’s a free sample to listen too. You’ll be hooked.



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