Today I welcome YA fantasy writer M.R. Anglin to Jubilee Writer. She’s not a newbie to the publishing scene just new to me. Her story is so fun I can’t wait for you to hear it. Take it away M.R.

MRAnglin Author pic

My writing journey started out with a video game system. When I was 11 or so, I got a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) for my birthday with the game, Super Mario World (SMW). I loved that game so much that I started writing stories about the characters and world.


After that I branched out to write my first original story starring a dog named Lisha, a character I still use as an avatar on some websites to this day. Her country (Lyeland) is also the name of my website.

As much as I loved that story, it failed. Out of that failure came my self-published series, Silver Foxes, which I originally wrote for posting online. I am currently revising those stories to release in print and e-book formats. I put out about one a year and am currently getting ready to release the 7th in the series.

Between working on those stories, I write other Young Adult (YA) and Middle Grade (MG) books. In 2012 my Christian MG fantasy adventure book, Lucas, Guardian of Truth released in 2012. My latest book—a Christian-inspired YA fantasy adventure called Prince of the Sun, Princess of the Moon—released Feb. 20, 2018.

I love that you didn’t let anything stop you. There is such a need for inspirational MG and YA books and you are working to fill that need. So cool.  Now what is your latest published project?

Six Weeks, the 7th book in my anthro fantasy fiction series (Silver Foxes) is coming soon . . . maybe July sometime. But my latest published book, Prince of the Sun, Princess of the Moon released Feb. 20, 2018.

 Research is key when I’m writing Historical, I’ve never tackled fantasy. How do you research for that?

I don’t =0. I write first and make sense of what I wrote afterward. If there’s something I absolutely have to look up, I google it. But most of my writing stems from what I already know or from what I can put together in my mind.

You have a wonderful, creative imagination to put together story worlds like yours.

Tell me, what inspired you to write your current book?

I have several inspirations for Prince of the Sun, Princess of the Moon. The two major inspirations are my niece and nephew. I came up with the idea for “day-people” and “night-people” in my book when I noticed my niece liked to sleep during the day when she was a baby. (FYI: In my book, day-people are those who get energy from the sun and fall asleep as soon as the moon hits them. Night people gain energy from the moon and sleep as soon as the sun hits them.)



My next inspiration is the old Greek and Roman myths. They inspired Helio and Lumina, the Guardians of the sun and moon, respectively. Astronomy is also a big inspiration to the entire series.

Then we have the Bible verse that is written in the front of the book: Joshua 10:12b-13 where it speaks of the sun and moon stopping in the sky. If you read the book, you’ll see that inspiration pretty clearly.


With all this creativity running through your veins when did you realize your calling to create words on paper to share with the world?

My second semester in college. I was on my way to being a doctor when I realized, “I don’t want to do this.” Then, clear as day, God spoke to my heart and said, “You are going to be a writer.” I changed my major to English the next semester.

 I see you took His calling to heart right away. Do you have a favorite verse that resonates with you?

Ps. 45: 11 NIV “The king is enthralled by your beauty. Honor him for he is your lord.” Any insecurity I feel fades in light of this truth.

Wonderful verse.

Let’s change directions a bit and let me ask one of my favorite questions.

If you could go back in time and give one piece of advice for your younger self about writing what would that be?

Trying to make it as a professional writer is not easy. Don’t think it is. So very true.

 Who is your best support system to keep you focused on your writing?

God, really. I would have given up trying to make it long ago, but He won’t let me.

Best support ever.

What is your favorite genre to read for fun?

MG adventure

Where is your favorite place to write?

Anywhere, really. I totally get that.

It has been a delight to have you with me today. Thanks so much for visiting.

More about  M. R. Anglin:

M.R. Anglin has always had a fascination with space—particularly the moon and stars. She also has three amazing nephews, three adorable “near-nephews,” and one brilliant niece, so it’s no wonder she eventually wrote a story that combines these loves into one when she wrote her book, Prince of the Sun, Princess of the Moon. You can often find her gazing up at the Florida sky at night or hunching over her notebook/computer by day.

She is the author of several books, including the self-published, ongoing Silver Foxes series and Lucas, Guardian of Truth (LampPost 2012). She has also had stories included in anthologies and posted online.



Twitter: @authoranglin







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