My final interview for 2017 is with Clean Reads author Kadee Carder. I hope you find our conversation as interesting and fun as I did. Read to the bottom for her varied giveaways. Kadee, welcome to Jubilee Writer. I must say even your title Here Be Dragons sounds fun. Tell us about this new release.


HereBeDragons_1400HERE BE DRAGONS: A YA Sci Fi Action/Adventure!

Alliance Military Guard sent the order. Sergeant Tucker Thompson acquiesced. Hopping a plane to his long-lost Australian birthplace, he’s been charged with his toughest mission yet. Thompson must rally his company of soldiers to prevent a new generation of weaponry from breaching the world’s borders.


Pound the war drums. Rattle the cages. HERE BE DRAGONS.


How did you do research to create this fantasy world?

I spent countless hours doing research! From military drills, to hand-to-hand combat techniques, to the weather in Australia in the summer, it’s all part of making the book realistic! For information, I often used YouTube because you can find a video for almost anything. For places, I included YouTube, watching others’ vacation videos and adventures, and then I also used Google Earth, Street View. I walked streets and explore. I opened up our Virtual Reality kit and use the Google Earth app to explore the earth and walk where my characters roam. Then I also consider living itself is research. How does the skin intercept flowers, or coffee, or gravel on the road? What are the essences of life? Those small moments of coffee on the back porch on a rainy day are perfect stock for my arsenal of imagery.

What inspired you to write your book?

My preacher recently introduced the idea that people who do not know God are simply prisoners of war. What better way to free prisoners than by love? What better way to fight darkness than with light? Do we work on earth to accomplish material things or do we share encouragement, love, inspiration, and good works in the name of someone much greater than ourselves? Do we humbly help and teach? We humans aren’t just here on this planet to make money or fill time. We are here for life, and a life full. God put each of us here, doing good work he created long ago for us to do. We don’t do any of it for our glory or success, but to free the prisoners of war. As Tucker states in the crux: Life isn’t just a thing. Life is the thing.


I love the concept. I have found inspiration from sermons as well. But you’ve really taken a wonderful concept and given your readers a deep truth to explore in an interesting setting.



Now, let’s explore a little about you. I always like to ask authors what is a favorite verse that resonates with them?

Three verses continue fueling me even when I consider giving up and giving in:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

In the strength of the Lord, I can do all things. Philippians 4:13

For we are God’s handiwork, created to do good works, which he prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

Combining all three, one can come back to the ultimate purpose for giving best efforts and working with joy and gratitude. Even the difficult tasks can be taken in stride because God’s prepared them specifically for us to do, for our greater purpose.

Challenges become opportunities. Rain becomes refreshing. Walls become training moments. And we can continue along this twisty road because God journeys along at our sides and within our spirits. We’ve only got to keep on walking.


Very inspiring, Kadee. Now, as a fantasy writer I think you will appreciate my next question. If you could go back in time and give one piece of advice for your younger self about writing what would that be?

Give it ten years. Realize that your best ability will be to consider challenges as opportunities for improvement. Grow to love the heavy lifting of weight, and continue working to improve—and give it a solid ten years of work before you give up. Persistence. Consistency. Moxie.

The concept of giving the writing life time resonates with me. I’m sure my readers can relate as well.


Kadee, describe yourself and your goals as a writer. And tell us a bit about your books in print.

Fierce yet sparkly, I help seekers find brave new worlds. The goal is magic, the medium is ink, and the fuel is coffee. And sometimes pizza. I teach English on the university level when I’m not dancing around the living room with my family, lifting heavy at the gym, traveling the planet, or binging superhero shows.


The INSURRECTION trilogy, HERE BE DRAGONS, and non-fiction inspirational IGNITE roll out perilous motives, twisty plots, and daring protagonists. Grab some real estate and your copy of my latest adventure, and follow along at

Tell us more about Here Be Dragons and the unusual give-away you have for the release of Here Be Dragons.



Here Be Dragons is a standalone novel, but it does follow my Insurrection trilogy. We see a few characters we met on those luxurious Caribbean beaches. Tucker was the romantic interest from the trilogy. After writing the trilogy, I felt like readers needed to know Tucker more, and he had to complete this assignment. Might as well follow along! No need to have read the trilogy; this book records its own wild adventure!



With over ten years of experience specializing in metabolic conditioning, and as the official trainer of the Alliance Military Guard, Fit By Faith© owner Krista Johnson has created ten workouts to get you in gear and ready to crush life. Utilizing a variety of whole-body strengthening techniques, your FREE WORKOUTS will be just what you needed to start your new year off the right way. Each of the ten workouts can be completed at home or in a gym, and takes approximately thirty minutes or less.

Submit your pre-order receipt to and receive your own Alliance Military Guard Training Guide containing TWO WEEKS worth of exercises, guaranteed to get you in battle-ready shape to train as a Guardsman.

This gift with purchase will ONLY be available on pre-orders! Offer expires January 1st, 2018 at 11:59 PM Central time.


Purchase Here Be Dragons on kindle unlimited for only $4.99:


Here Be Dragons releases January 2, 2018


Contact Kadee Carder and discover more giveaways

Visit for inspiration, radio interviews, gift certificates, freebie codes, and more!

Let’s connect on social media!



Instagram: kadeecarderink



Twitter: @kadeecarderink

And please feel free to subscribe for encouraging blogs!

I’m giving away a free, empowering e-book to those who subscribe to my email list at Titled IGNITE, the 60-page book offers a serving of inspiration, a dash of hope, and a cup of grace to help you get kickin’ on those challenging tasks you’ve got to do!

Kadee, all these giveaways exemplify your desire to help others grow in grace and be there best self.

Readers, here’s your chance to get some fun gifts for yourself to kick start 2018 in a positive way.