I was so looking forward to Saturday. I’ve been working extra hours at my job and this Saturday was the start of the Labor Day weekend. Three days to carve out extended periods of time to write. Three days to create words on page after page. I had my writing to-do-list of projects. Several blog posts and novel edits at the top of the list.
Saturday found me spending time with my elderly parents, cleaning house with my granddaughters as well as having them cuddle and snooze in my lap while I sat trapped in a family room chair. My writing mused had gone back to bed and I found myself fighting sleep as my dozing 3 year old granddaughter flayed and wiggled.
The day was productive as far as a clean house and happy grandchildren were concerned. That’s always a good thing. Clicking my remote while trapped beneath cuddly girls I found one of my favorite writer movies. (I’m sure you have one too.) The Magic of Belle Isle. It reminded me that no matter what is going on in my life I am destine to write. I reviewed it in a previous blog you can check it out here.
The main character Monty has abandoned his writing after the death of his wife. As the story unfolds the family next door begins to interact with him. Their presence revives his desire to write and his joy for living. He changes into a better man using his gifting once again.
Even though I knew how the story would turn out there is always something new to discover the second, third and fourth times around. As the credits roll I am inspired again. I embrace this writing life with all its interruptions. I pick myself up, not wallowing in the discouragement of missed opportunities. Instead I create a blog based on a day of failure intend for writing goal success.
As I’ve often heard from various authors. We never truly stop writing, the words ruminate in our minds while our bodies are engaged in other pursuits. The Magic of Belle Isle awaken so many ideas in my mind. Novel ideas, article ideas, blog ideas. My mind rekindled amidst the stressful and unplanned activities of my Saturday.
So, now it’s Sunday morning and I finish up this little reflection piece with the help of my muse who is totally rested from Saturday’s non-activity. Together, we will tackle my to-do-list refreshed by the creative juices we stirred into action on our non-writing Saturday. Today I post this blog and continue drawing lines through items on my writer’s to-do-list excited to see what creative words I write today that weren’t even in my mind on Saturday.
How do you handle non-writing writing days?
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Hi, Cindy! Yes, life does get in the way of writing, I agree. My distractions usually involve family and friends, which I consider important. It is a tough balancing act, but I find I can usually pick up my writing again the next day if I let one day go for an important event. I try not to get too disappointed about it. I remind myself that I can only be in one place at a time.